
IntOroadS: About Us

In June 2023 the Intoroads association was formed. The association, established on the initiative of AISICO, a company of excellence in the field of road safety, and the Politecnico di Milano, in the person of Prof. Marco Anghileri, internationally recognized as one of the leading experts in road safety, has as its primary purpose to bring to the attention of public authorities functional data for the revision of standards, which have been stopped for about 30 years now, in order to update them with the evolution of the automotive sector and with the different criteria that regulate mobility on roads today.

IntOroads – an association that focuses on road safety

President, Ottavia Calamani: “Road safety is regulated by rules that have been outdated for decades, a turnaround is needed” Intoroads – International Organization for Road…

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Dear members and supporters, with great honor we find ourselves celebrating the first year of the birth of our association IntOroadS – International Organization For…

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